May 07, 2010

Spring's Haiku

In autumn she falls
Through ice-clad winters she sleeps
But I hold Summer



John W. May said...

Cool: My first haiku

Anonymous said...

I don't get Haiku. It seems so abrupt. You should do a post on it. Your summaries always help me SO much!

But this helped as well. A Facebook post from my friend Opal Palmer Adisa (you should connect with her - very wise, positive, creative woman)... "A haiku is about capturing a slice of life in the moment. Today I paused at the Poui blossoms, brilliant, sun-filled yellow, at the base of the tree, and the branches bursting lights, startling, capturing my heart. What a gift! Pause to acknowledge and bask in those unexpected slices of life, free gifts to massage our hearts"

The Poets

As of April 9th, 2010