Born to dwell in darkness, this carrier of light.
Denied rapture with the Holy One, called to stand and fight.
For the sake of the lost sheep The Shepherd does require,
a child to lead them from the Butcher's blade,
sparing them the unquenchable thirst of the everlasting fire.
I look to the heavens in search of lost grace.
Shadows of this world I'm left to comfort,
tears anoint my face.
I'll walk this world of darkness, I'll carry the sword of light
I'll face the Accuser of the brethren.
Fot the Good Shepherd's flock,
I'll lay down my life.
Of the Poem:
So many have taken as their poetic topic noble subjects such as love, beauty, romance, honor, heroism, and a plethora of others. These subjects have been so thoroughly exhausted that it's difficult to produce a written work that doesn't sound like another's. So when I come across a poem that has an original signature to it, an original sound or way about it, that takes on a topic or aspect that is atypical, I get excited.
The poem above, written by aspiring poet Richard Garcia, is one of those that falls in the atypical category. Not often enough- or at least from my perspective and studies- not often enough does one come across eschatology in poetry, especially eschatology pertaining to the Christian idea of the rapture. The poem above is about one left behind after the rapture has happened, and the resolve this person has to maintain the Christian faith as a soldier of Christ in what will ultimately become the darkest of times.
In reading the poem I’m reminded of the eschatological poem of Yeat, The Second Coming. I think this poem is a good read, and give much do accolade to Mr. Garcia for the scripting of it. I’d love love love to know what others think of it.
Poetic Parameters
Meter: Open Meter
Stanza: Mixed
The opening stanza is a closed couplet
The second and third are tercets
The concluding stanza is a quatrain
Rhyme Scheme:
1st stanza: a.a.
2nd & 3rd stanzas a.b.a. (per stanza)
4th stanza: Open (with a possible oblique intended with 'light' and 'life')
*Rapture by Richard Garcia
© 09/12/2008
Hi John! Me again…. As you know, I’m not a thinker by nature so really enjoy these opportunities to try my hand at analysis. Though if you get tired of it, please just (gently) request that I refrain from rambling on and on. Don’t want your blog to become a blahg! :D
I’m assuming you’re looking for comments on the poetic aspects and not a theological debate, and I would hate to give away my ignorance of Biblical teaching, but I just can’t help but say a few words on the topic. They say to *pray* for pre-rapture tribulation and *prepare* for post-rapture tribulation. This poem assumes the former. However, despite the popularity of the Left Behind series I’m not sure I agree that we will have a “second chance” at repentance and question the value – for lack of a better word - of the subject’s new found dedication to Christ. Even he seems to take a noble but defeated stance (“Ill lay down my life”), though one must admire his courage. It is one thing to stand firm with the promise of victory and eternal life, but quite another to fight for what is right knowing there is no prize at the end.
I admire the lyrical quality of the vocabulary chosen in the first stanza and really like the poetry of such, but must take exception to the words “born” and “denied.” Not one of us is “born” into darkness (sin perhaps) - we are all born to belong to Christ. Ephesians 1:4-5, "just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him In love, He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will." It is we who choose to turn away. And as such, we are not “denied” the rapture - James 4:7-8, "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” - but again are the ones who turn our backs on Jesus and His saving grace. This poem, if nothing else should be a wake-up call to choose God NOW! A plea to not wait until it is too late.
I will admit I am not a fan of the mixed meter (and you have me spoiled by your own silky verse), but I enjoy how the decreasing number of syllables in each line of the third stanza (my favorite) mirrors the decreasing sense of hope. I’m also curious if the increasing number of lines in the stanzas … 2-3-3-4 … has any significance? All in all I will agree with “a good read” though can’t say I will add it to my list of favorites.
And as always, I love love love the image you chose to accompany the poem. Do you know who is the artist?
... make that pre-tribulation and post-tribulation rapture. Yikes! Where was my brain when I was typing that?
I just ran across this quote "Dying for something takes one right choice; living for it requires hundreds of choices each day." Dr. Lynda Hunter
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